Today was a great day! Both boys are doing great! They are both on 20% oxygen which is what every person uses, just have to use the cpap to keep their airways open. Every new nurse we have tells us how fiesty they both are and what a good thing that is because they love to see them fight back! Both of them had high bilirubin again today so they got to get back under their lights until that comes down. Again, pretty normal for that to go up and down for them. Neither of them had any bradycardia spells in the last two days. I got to hold Blair today for first time. It is quite the process to get them out of their incubators and sat down with everything hooked up to them, but oh so worth it. I will cherish every second I can have them. Tyson changed his first diaper on Blair today! The diapers are so tiny, and still so big on them. Our nurse was telling us today that the smallest baby he's seen since he has worked in the NICU was around 12 oz. I cannot even imagine a baby that tiny. I feel blessed mine are as big as they are compared to that size. Blair weighs 1lb 15.5 oz today and Jace weighs 1 lb 10.9 oz today. They both get fed every 3 hours and eat a total of about 1 oz for the day. The nurse said they are both tolerating feeds very well. We are headed home tonight to pack up some things, seeing as how we made it up there on short notice with very little personal items. I cannot wait to see Maddie. Talking to her on the phone she already sounds like she's grown up! She is going to come back up tomorrow with us for a few days and I think will really enjoy getting to go in and see her brothers and spending some time with mom and dad. I know I will sure enjoy it!

Holding Blair
Blair doing some tummy time
And Jace doing some tummy time(he always puts that one arm stretched out, no matter how many times you move it back)
Tyson changing Blair's diaper, while grandma Edith holds his arms.
And one of this girl because she is just so darn cute!!! (She's been spoiled at grandma'a this week. She sure is loved by so many people)
This brings tears to my eyes reading these last two posts. I'm so happy that you got to spend the last two days having the opportunity to hold those sweet babies.What a special day! Love the pictures of Blair with his eyes open.